Josiah: Momma, I just want to give Joss some chicken ok?
Momma: No...babies like Joss don't have least not yet...
Josiah: Ok...I'll just let her lick the chicken then...k?
Momma: No...that's not ok.
Josiah: Cause babies like Joss don't have tongues?
Our time here in Hat Yai has been God's timing...when we weren't able to get the tickets for the day we wanted and were delayed a whole extra week we were disappointed but now we see that God is truely in control of our lives.
We have been getting things done and going through our stuff and I'm shocked that I'm finding so much stuff that I just can not part with. I found a folder of Josiah's art since he was old enough to hold a crayon...and there are some serious master pieces in there! I found a book of notes that John and I had written to each other while we were dating...I found an old sketch book of John's that he's kept since he was 14...and so many other things.
I could go on and on. The insane thing is that our luggage is already over weight!!! The airline...AIR ASIA....are quite simply crooks...ok so maybe that's a little too strong. But that sure is how it feels. They only allow 15kg per person which is 33 pounds. It's known as a trap...because usually if you pack LIGHT...ONE suitcase weighs 33 pounds. And you are allowed 2 you almost always end up paying for a whole bag per kg. Imagine moving...all that you have...and having to choose only 33 pounds worth of stuff...
It's INSANE! Yesterday I was sifting through stuff and I just had to keep saying out loud..."all for you Jesus"...and at times I would say "it's just's all gonna burn eventually anyway...right?"....ugg....I believe we're just going to have to pack up some boxes and leave them here in Thailand and when we have the money...send for them.
That's our best bet right now...It's a good thing to experience...I think. It would be great for everyone to have to let go of STUFF...all of it...except for what you can fit in a's HARD but freeing.
Enough about that...aye? hehehe...We're counting down the days...our journey begins in 3 days!!! As my excitement about returning and seeing family and friends grows so does the hurt in the pit of my stomach about leaving Thailand. It's hard to describe but...we, as a family, are ready. God has been moving and really ministering to us and preparing us. We're ready...Ready for what God has planned and ready to step into it.
Church last Sunday was wonderful - Clinton Garsee shared and encouraged the body and at the end some of the Thai people who have been saved came up and with tears streaming down their faces they said "Thank you for bringing me a tract!!!". It was sooo awesome...and moving!
Ooop...time is out...have to cut this blog entry short. Thank you for reading and praying for us! Please keep us in your prayers! Here is some pictures from the last few weeks...there are quite out of order...sorry... :) Waiting to check our luggage onto the train...
Is the train here yet Momma??
Josiah saying goodbye to Khruu Ruchada
Jude having fun on the train...
The view outside our window...
Jude in a cute costume Grandmaw sent him...
Jude and Nawng Awe playing the day before we left...
The one picture of the yard sale I it was crazy! :)
YEAH! I am so excited!!! I have been checking DAILY on your exit status :) Woo hoo! We are moving back to McKinney December 27th. If y'all will be in the area, please, please, please email me or call us so that we can meet up. I miss you, Johnny2x and your kids! Praying traveling mercies over your family.
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