Sunday, August 24, 2008


Only one more day until John comes home! THANK GOD! I spent yesterday at church and the hospital. We got up and I managed Jude and Joss in service successfully - with Shiloh's help keeping the passy in Joss's mouth. Josiah was upstairs in Sunday School. The service was awesome as usual and I really was blessed by what I could hear of it.

I mostly just closed my eyes and soaked in God's presence during first I started trying to take notes and writing down Thai words that I didn't understand but between keeping Jude from sweating a pool in my lap and keeping Joss from crying I gave up...and just rested in God. Should have done that from the beginning...ha!

After that Renee took me to the hopsital to get some medicine for Joss, Jude and myself while her and her kids + Josiah went to the park. It took 2 1/2 HOURS! AHH! It was was nap time and Jude was into everything...and my head was pounding but by the grace of God we made it through. Joss has thrush in her mouth and it spread to me. So we both needed some medicine to get that gone FAST...more so for me. She seemed to be fine...

I on the other hand am in tears everytime she has to eat. Jude has had ear wax empacked against his ear drum and it's been bothering him for a while now...natural remedies didn't I had to get some dewaxing ear drops for him. I also had to get some medicine for sinus infection that was causing some extreme headaches.

So...we're all good...exept for missing our daddy! OH I MISS MY HUSBAND! Not just for the help around the house of course...or that it's hard without him...I miss his smile and how he makes me laugh. His presence in this house alone is enough to be missed horribly. My husband is so wonderful and when we talk on the phone he sounds so refreshed by this trip. These guys have been praying throughout the day and encouraging each other as they go through Naratiwat seeking what area we are supposed to be moving to in December.

Today, Monday, they are returning to Hat Yai and tomorrow they will come back here to Chiang Mai at 4:30. I can't wait. Jossalyn is hungry and I've got breakfast to make but I just wanted to give you guys that short little update. I'll try to update again today...with other stuff.

With love!